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Speaker's Corner

Editorials & Features

Be Thought Provoking
dare to disagree

NYFV welcomes good, healthy debate. Exchange of ideas is the surest pathway to progress. If you do not see your viewpoint represented, don't just attack the ideas you disagree with, rather, engage. Is there an opinion your neighbors might benefit from hearing? NYFV invites you to compose your argument and forward it to the editorial department. To effectively debate an idea requires a certain amount of openness to change. Just because you disagree with something does not necessarily mean it does not have merit.

Editorials are solely the opinion of the author. If you would like to share your perspective on current North Yarmouth issues,


Remember, things like name calling or insulting imply opinions, but they are not editorial worthy.




Opinion, analysis, and debate


Over the Aquifer

Where the story is too good to be true!


Join the Discussion:

Conversations with Ally

North Yarmouth resident, Ally Ford, sits down with community members to have real conversations

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