Full agenda for the North Yarmouth Select Board - Workshop to review Town Manager Search proposal, Public Hearing for Casco Bay Trail Alliance Resolution and setting Board goals for FY22.
Prior to the regular Select Board meeting, North Yarmouth hosted a special session with Maine Municipal Association (MMA) to discuss their proposal outlining how they will conduct the Town Manager search.
On September 7, North Yarmouth conducted a public hearing regarding the Casco Bay Trails Resolution. Resident asked questions and voiced opinions about the proposal. Many of the commenters urged the Select Board to endorse the resolution.
The Select Board voted 4-1 to approve the resolution, with Paul Hodgetts opposed.
Prior to public comment, Brian Sites (Chair) clarified why certain items were not on the agenda. Discussions of the TIF and related projects will require more time than could be allotted during the September 7 meeting. Sites assured residents nothing was currently being expended out of TIF funds, other than amounts to cover town staff salaries. All other projects were on hold. Chris Bolduc (Interim Town Manager) was on vacations but had been reviewing the impact of delaying work to ensure North Yarmouth was not jeopardizing grant money.
Information regarding the May 17 audit would need to wait until Bolduc returns. If needed, a special meeting will be scheduled to inform residents. Otherwise, the item will be schedule for the next Board meeting.
Paul Hodgetts requested information regarding salaries being paid out of the TIF.
Public comments were brief and focused on the proposed PACTS project being considered to modify the intersection and area near the Purple House. As this area was the convergence of Routes 9 and 115, questions about the appropriateness of the plan were raised.
Linc Merrill shared concerns about the impact the changes would have for large vehicle operators, such as trucks or buses. According to Merrill, truck drivers who use these roads were considering detouring on Pea Lane, as they expect the proposed modifications to significantly restrict turning space. Merrill further questioned the proposed use of concrete, rather than asphalt, for sidewalks due to the additional work required to maintain and protect it.
Jim Moulton (Vice Chair) confirmed “nothing was cast in stone.” Moulton speculated whether Clark Baston (Road Commissioner) fully supported the design, suggesting a follow up conversation with Baston. Sites reiterated that no work was being undertaken, yet, and the project was still a “conceptual design.”
Hodgetts stated previous comments from Baston gave the impression the project was further along, and moving to engineering. Sites clarified that this was not correct. Hiring an engineer would involve an RFP, which had not been started.
The Select Board approved amended minutes for August 3, August 11 and August 16 meetings. August 17 minutes were still being drafted.
The July financial report and the Interim Town Manager report were carried over to next meeting, when Bolduc would be able to provide context and answer questions.
Fire Company lease was approved, with a 5-0 vote. According to Draven Walker (Assistant to the Town Manager), revisions were to strengthen protection for the town. One of the provisions required 501c3 documentation from the Fire Company to validate tax exempt status. Sites noted Bolduc had reviewed the changes to the lease and did not find any issues.
After a brief consideration of amendments to the General Assistance ordinances, the Select Board approved scheduling a public hearing for the next meeting on September 21.
Review of accounts payable included a number of questions from Hodgetts. Hodgetts requested further information of charges, including a $1200 fee for “hoop inspection” as well as a number of larger bills. The board approved payment of the warrant, pending explanation.
COVID mask policy action was to formally authorize the town mandate that had been enacted in response to rising COVID cases in Cumberland County. The mask requirement for all town facilities was deemed necessary after the August 17 regular Select Board meeting. Hodgetts requested the policy be revised to require partitions be opened during meetings to allow more air flow. David Reed added that seating be properly spaced, and that the Board review the guidelines monthly. The Board approved 5-0.
The Board confirmed volunteers to multiple committees as follows:
Economic Development & Sustainability Committee (EDSC) – Ian Acker (2024), Kevin Robinson (2024), Laurie Bachelder (2023), Richard Parenteau (2023)
Flag Committee – Candace Loring (2022)
Planning Board – Sanford Peabody (2023) to fill alternate vacancy due to Kimry Corrette’s appointment as a regular Planning Board member.
Of the individual priorities presented at the August 17 Select Board meeting, Sites was able to identify 4 common goals – hiring a Town Manager, expanding senior property tax relief, supporting connectivity and recreation, and addressing residential growth and its impact on budgets.
Normally, this process is done in conjunction with the Town Manager. However, the urgent need to support town business means this process cannot be delayed while the town manager search is underway.
The list was long, but all related to important issues for North Yarmouth. Sites recommended the Board initially focus on just 3 goals. The Town Manager search was underway, leaving 3 remaining. Additional priorities can be added once a permanent Town Manager was hired.
Sites assured Hodgetts that goals related to addressing the TIF and amending the Charter were actually part of ongoing work and did not need to be named as specific Board priorities. Sites noted that Moulton’s goal of more inclusivity and transparency would be part of any work the Board undertakes. Sites also proposed assigning some of the other items to individual Board members.
The Board approved the 3 initial goals (5-0), and selected 2 other goals that had work that was already being done. David Reed was named Board sponsor for establishing a town playground. Moulton was named Board sponsor for the Old Town House Move project, which would be breaking ground for new foundation on September 20.
The EDSC was undergoing a ‘reset.’ Sites was excited to have a full committee and by the diversity of the members. Part of this process included revising the directive for the committee.
Duties for the EDSC have been outlined by the Comprehensive Plan, the Strategic Plan, and additionally as assigned by the Select Board. Following the EDSC August 26 informal Q&A with residents, the Board identified a clear focus for the group:
Define rural character and how it applies to North Yarmouth
Review feasibility of commercial business opportunities for North Yarmouth
The group will be working with residents to define rural. With that information, the EDSC will be able to better support the Comprehensive Plan in a more effective way.
Related Stories: August EDSC Meeting - Committee is Without Quorum,
Next meeting for the EDSC is scheduled for September 22.
In response to the level of strong opinions in the community regarding town issues, Hodgetts proposed discussing ways to keep meetings from getting out of hand when discussions get heated. Board will work with Bolduc to develop a plan.
Next regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for September 21.