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School Board Votes to Approve Option for Land in North Yarmouth

Rachael Whitmarsh

New Building Project planning to resume. A referendum anticipated for June 2022.

During November 1 MSAD51 School Board meeting, District unanimously approved to secure an option with Benjamin Grover on property in North Yarmouth for the New Primary School Building.

The District agrees to pay $5000 deposit for 76.59 acres on Gray Road. If the option is exercised, the purchase price will be $1,250,000 and included in the bond presented to voters.

Superintendent Porter outlined next steps, with goal of delivering a referendum to voters in June. A November 15 School Board Workshop is scheduled to discuss the New Building Project and develop direction for Oak Point Associates.

Tentative timeline includes a winter workshop to review preliminary plan with final concept design approval in the spring. Once approved, community informational meetings will be scheduled, followed by a public hearing. If all phases go smoothly, a referendum will be sent to voters in June.

The decision replaces previous plan for a "One Campus" model, which assumed constructing a new primary building on the current Greely campus and renovating Mabel I. Wilson.

Porter listed 3 critical elements for the overall planning:

1. Educational value of grade configurations

2. Capacity and usage for existing facilities as well as the new building

3. Likelihood of securing support of majority of voters

Renovations plans for other buildings, particularly at Mabel I. Wilson, will be dependent on final grade configuration for the New Building Project.

Other School Board business included announcement of launch date for new District website. The new design is scheduled to go live on November 5. Donna Green (Web Administrator) shared highlights of the yearlong development and migration process. The new site replaces the previous Classic Google website the District has used for 10 years.

The previous design was like a “labyrinth” according to Avery Olsen (Jr. Student Representative), who anticipated the new website to be much easier to navigate.

An app will soon be available to give parents and students access to key information such as District communication pushes.

The District continues its focus on resuming normal school activities. Porter celebrated the October 16 Homecoming Dance and commended the work of students and staff to deliver the event. Approximately 300 students attended. Madison Dawson (Sr. Student Representative) suggested the District continue to host the dance outdoors in the future. Many students thought it was the best Homecoming Dance they had attended.

Recent District highlights will be posted to the Superintendent’s Blog.

The full meeting can be viewd on the MSAD51 YouTube channel.

Next School Board Meeting is scheduled for November 15.

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