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Planning Board Elects New Chairperson

Rachael Whitmarsh

North Yarmouth Planning Board held a special meeting prior to their monthly workshop.

Following explanation for tabling approval of Findings of Fact for the Deacon Hayes subdivision, the Planning Board voted 4-0 to approve the document as presented. Alternate member Paul Whitmarsh had been elevated to voting member for this business item at previous meeting, so retained that status for the special meeting vote. Finding of Fact is an administrative summary of a planning board’s official decisions for a project.

Additional business included a vote to accept revisions to current bylaws. Changes developed by the town attorney enable the Board to elect an alternate as Chairperson. The attorney noted such a provision is unusual but not prohibited by Maine law. North Yarmouth Planning Board’s standard for members is unusual in that alternates attend and participate in most meetings. The key difference from a regular member is alternates do not vote on regular business unless elevated to voting member.

Following the bylaw update, Whitmarsh was unanimously elected as Chairperson. The position has been open since mid-September following the resignation of Chris Cabot. The Select Board twice voted to block a proposal from the Planning Board to fill the vacancy. Secretary Jeff Brown had been filling the role since Cabot's departure. Whitmarsh will serve as Chairperson until June 30, 2023.

During its workshop, the Planning Board identified possible Land Use Ordinance (LUO) amendments to prioritize. Under consideration are corrections to Section 9, review of cross references, simplifying language referring to state code, and Section 7.1 updates not sent to April Town Meeting.

The Select Board has proposed a Special Town Meeting for January to vote on a TIF amendment. The date is yet to be determined. To be able to send LUO amendment warrants to this meeting, the Planning Board must complete any changes in time to hold a public hearing in December, 30 days prior to the Town Meeting. The Select Board would also need to hold a separate public hearing.

Brown contacted FujiClean headquartered in Brunswick regarding maintenance agreements. The Planning Board will be working to strengthen protections for the aquifer. 

Solar Ordinance, Marijuana Ordinance, definition updates, zoning district review, parking lots, and school capacity considerations were other areas flagged for review.

The Planning Board discussed its submission deadlines and committed to adhering to the guidelines more consistently. Consensus agreement to ensure timely posting of current materials.

The next regular Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9. This is a change from their regular meeting cycle due to the election. The Board will resume LUO review work during the November 22 workshop.

Updated October 26 to include information about FujiClean.

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