MSAD51 hires equity consultant to facilitate Phase II of District equity plan. District updates COVID-19 guidance plan.
On October 18, the School Board unanimously approved the 10-month contract for Lawrence Alexander, Search Consultant and Practice Leader for the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Practice of Carney, Sandoe & Associates. The $10,000 contract includes both monthly in person meetings and follow up support.
Alexander has worked with private, independent and public K-12 schools and universities. Recent Maine experience includes providing equity support to Yarmouth and Windham schools, as well as assisting RSU 21 with their superintendent search.
Alexander gave a brief introduction and took questions from Board members during the October 18 School Board meeting. Residents can view a recording of the meeting HERE.
Carney, Sandoe & Associates' Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Practice specializes in searches for school DEIB leaders and providing consultative support for boards, executive leadership, and faculty and staff.
In other business Superintendent Jeff Porter updated the Greely Goes Green Plan. Porter anticipates the state to relax COVID-19 guidance within the next few months. The District COVID Advisory Group approved resuming school performances and permitting 25% audience capacity. Winter sports will allow spectators, with limit tentatively set at 25% capacity for indoor events.
Other adjustments include removing plexiglass from cafeterias, resuming swimming for PE, allowing locker room usage, and scheduling school dances with added COVID-19 safety modifications.
Porter noted the District continues to face a severe staffing shortage. To reduce the impact, the Distract has begun hiring Ed Tech II’s and permanent substitutes. Lunch and recess aides are being used for the first time in District history.
The Board considered motions to make masking optional for high school and 7-8th grade students. Following strong debate, the motions did not pass. Board member, Jennifer Stewart, expressed frustration that raising the question was met with hostility. Steward noted she did not expect Board members to always be in complete agreement. “We should have these discussions and be able to challenge the information that’s come forth.” COVID-19 guidance will continue to be a sensitive topic for the foreseeable future. Board members committed to support critically evaluating District information.
The meeting closed with an executive session to discuss property acquisition. Requests for an update to the Primary Building Project plan have not been answered.
Next regular School Board business meeting is November 1.