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  • Thea V. Lageidiot

North Yarmouth Takes Action to Appreciate Volunteers

***The following is a satire piece and is not intended to be an accurate representation of facts in any way. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.***

North Yarmouth announces updates to the Town volunteer application form and drafts a checklist document to include with packet given to potential elected officials.

The changes were summarized in the Town Manager’s report at the most recent Select Board meeting.

Additions to the form include space for committee applicants to confirm if they already have a legal retainer, the amount, and the firm where it is held.

For elected positions, providing the information will be optional. A new “Things to Know” document to be given to anyone filing papers, encourages candidates to establish a retainer if they do not already have one.

A chart listing suitable retainer amounts for each board or committee is available upon request.

Town Manager Diane Barnes said, “The changes have been long overdue and will bring the documents in line with current Town practices.”

Barnes said the Town has created a database municipal officials can access for a list of attorneys who do not have a known conflict of interest and are thought to still be accepting calls originating from North Yarmouth.

Kit Maloney said of the program, “This really resonates with me. We as leaders need to be robustly communicating the message ‘we appreciate you’ to our volunteers through not only our words but by also creating meaningful policies.”

The Select Board will be hosting a workshop next month to develop a process to phase in the changes to current board and committee members.

Chairperson Amy Haile said, “This is a very substantial way to show volunteers how much North Yarmouth appreciates the work and countless hours they devote to supporting the Town.”

“We need to ensure we have the best, most-qualified people on our committees and boards,” said Vice Chair Andrea Berry. “This will just give us another tool to be able to identify suitable volunteers and perhaps weed out those who just don’t have the qualities the Select Board wants.”

Select Board also announced the upcoming rollout of a North Yarmouth mascot, Justice the Kangaroo. Residents can expect to see Justice in official communications beginning this fall with images of Justice appearing next to important updates. “It will be a like a seal of approval from the Select Board. Residents will be able to quickly see all the stuff we’ve done. Literally, Justice will be everywhere,” said Haile.

Selectperson Paul Hodgetts said he didn’t necessarily oppose the mascot choice, but no one had asked him.

A graphic novel edition of the North Yarmouth newsletter is also being considered

“The Board is looking at all kinds of ways to increase attendance and resident engagement.” Haile went on to describe a bi-weekly poll, allowing residents to choose the alarm tone Haile uses to end public comment. “This is a way to inject a little playfulness into our very important and serious business. It really is all about respecting our community.”

The poll can be accessed on the Town's website the Monday before a meeting. Residents can vote, then attend the next meeting to vie for a chance to be first during public comment to hear the “winner”.


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