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  • Rachael Whitmarsh

North Yarmouth Charter Commission Information Forum Scheduled

North Yarmouth Select Board to host the first in an anticipated series of informational forums to explore changing North Yarmouth to a town council form of government.

The January 30 meeting will be held at Wescustogo Hall and start at 6 pm.

Retired town manager and municipal consultant, Don Gerrish, will join to discuss different forms of government and the process to establish a charter commission.

The Select Board did not elaborate on what residents can expect at the meeting. Chair Amy Haile responded to an email request for more information, “Mr. Gerrish will be sharing his expertise on the variety (sic) forms of municipal government and the charter commission process.”

Gerrish has over 37 years of experience with larger Maine municipalities operating under a town council form of government. According to his bio (, “He retired from the Town of Brunswick after serving as its Manager for nearly 20 years. Prior to that, Don managed the Town of Gorham for 10 years, and worked in Auburn and Rockland.”

Of plans the Select Board has considered to educate residents who cannot attend this event, Haile said, “The forum will be recorded like all Select Board gatherings.”

No additional forums have been scheduled, yet.


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