Select Board - Interim Town Manager Update, Planning Board - In-person Meetings Resume
At an additional meeting scheduled for morning of August 11, North Yarmouth Select Board intended to appoint Chris Bolduc as Interim Town Manager to provide 5 to 10 hours service per week. Bolduc is the current Assistant Town Manager for Cumberland. Select Board is reviewing Charter to determine whether this is permitted without a Town Meeting. According to the current Town Charter, shared services must be approved by vote at a Town Meeting. Matter was referred to Town attorney. An additional Select Board meeting is scheduled for August 16 at 7:45 am. Agenda: HERE.
Regular Select Board Meeting is set for August 17 at 7 pm. Agenda: HERE.
Agenda & Meeting Documents
Recording: HERE
At August 10 meeting, North Yarmouth Planning welcomed new committee member, Jeff Brown. Meeting minutes were approved following minor clarification of language and to add specific public comments from residents regarding flooding hazard. New business covered votes to approve “Finding of Facts” for both Village Center Phase II as well as Site Plan Review for Fire Company Barn Project.
An RFP for a Planner position is being finalized. Audrey Lones (Chair) will forward a draft to the committee by the end of the week for input from each member. Work began last month on Village Center Estates, Phase II. Roadway is currently under construction, but no lots have been constructed or foundation work initiated. There is still a lot of site work to complete.
The Planning Board Workshop scheduled for August 19 has been cancelled due to need for Planning Board to meet with Select Board about Marijuana Ordinance. Additionally, current Select Board work, including finalizing goal setting, could impact direction of Planning Board.
Maine Municipal Association (MMA) will be conducting Planning Board Training September 13. Lones recommended the training as beneficial to new and experienced committee members. Cost to attend the event will be covered by the town.
Other business discussion included protocol for site visits and record keeping. It was recommended that Planning Board members keep side conversation to a minimum and try to conduct site visits as a group. These meetings will be recorded. Any substantial points or comments should be addressed to the group so it can be part of official record.
Lones distributed to committee members a list of questions and concerns submitted by former Planning Board member, Gary Bahlkow. It had been intended these would be addressed at the August 19 Workshop. Lones asked members to review the list, as some of the items are relevant. Questions related to communication could be resolved at MMA training. Regarding Planning Board authority, particularly in regard to steering projects to meet intent of the Comprehensive Plan as well as discretion regarding waivers, might need guidance from town attorney.
Lone recommended members watch the August 3rd, TIF Workshop.