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Municipal Meeting Preview

Rachael Whitmarsh

North Yarmouth Planning Board to hold a special meeting prior to their monthly workshop. EDSC monthly meeting will be on Thursday.

North Yarmouth Planning Board added a special meeting to their scheduled workshop. On Tuesday October 25, the Board will consider revisions to current bylaws and vote on finding of facts for the Deacon Hayes subdivision, tabled from previous meeting.

The October workshop will focus on clarifying procedures and continue work on possible LUO changes for Town Meeting. At the September 27 workshop, the Board kicked off its annual LUO update process. Preliminary assignments included reviewing definitions, expanding aquifer protection, public parking, and evaluating current zoning. Finalizing the solar ordinance was a stated goal.

Economic Development and Sustainability Committee (EDSC) will hold its monthly meeting on October 27. Meeting will feature a Comprehensive Plan review update, including a discussion with the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Committee. Who will be attending and goals for the meeting has not been confirmed.

Under new business, EDSC will consider the LUO amendment residents will vote on at a special town meeting on November 8. The format and purpose for the discussion is not clear.

In 2021, EDSC hosted a panel discussion of drafted LUO changes prior to Town Meeting. Guest speakers included Planning Board members, Select Board chair and department head, and residents were permitted to ask questions.

North Yarmouth has held two public hearings, plus two public information sessions for the current LUO amendment ballot question. The Select Board did not include EDSC or Planning Board on the panel for either information sessions.

During the Thursday meeting, EDSC will approve amendments to bylaws and vote to send a member recommendation to the Select Board.

Residents may attend either meeting at Wescustogo Hall, or watch the broadcast on Townhall Streams. Watch HERE.

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