School Board approves applications to fund renovations at Mabel I. Wilson school.
At a special MSAD51 School Board meeting on October 27, the District voted 8-0-1 to approve revolving renovation fund applications for projects at Mabel I Wilson school, with Vanessa Bryant abstaining due to a conflict of interest.
Scott Poulin summarized program and 4 applications being submitted by MSAD51, which included replacing defective windows and upgrading air handling in the multipurpose room.
The $2M in project applications must be approved by the state. If approved, the projects would go to referendum June 2022 for voter approval. This would be in addition to the anticipated Primary Building Project bond.
Applications are divided into 5 priority tiers. Schools are limited to a cumulative $1M cap within any 5-year period per application category.
Current Maine DOE EPS funding formula puts MSAD51 at 50% cost sharing with the state. If the District revolving renovation fund applications are approved, MSAD51 potentially will receive a reduction of principle obligation. This could provide the school with $2M for building maintenance at a cost of $1M with 0% interest.
The fund is set up through the Maine Bond Bank and the approval process is managed by Maine DOE, said Scott Poulin. The program is not always funded by the state and the amount available varies from year to year. MSAD51 has not qualified in previous years due to the level of need across the state and the limited amount of money available.
Deadline for applications was October 29. Maine DOE will announce funding awards on February 1, 2022.