The new school year has started, but details of proposed school building referendum have not been confirmed.
In a recent email, MSAD51 School Board Chair, Tyler McGinely, had stated the New Primary Building Project would be on the agenda for the Sept 2 meeting. The project was not specifically listed. However, the Board held an executive session to discuss “land acquisition” at the end of the meeting. The District has not provided any information regarding details of the executive session or decisions reached.
Related Stories: Alternative North Yarmouth Site Proposed for New MSAD51 Primary Building, Joint Town – School Board Meeting, MSAD51 New Primary Building
Previous timeline proposing a November referendum vote noted the bond question would be finalized on September 8 and ballots ordered September 9.
Concerns raised by North Yarmouth Select Board and Cumberland Town Council have not been formally addressed. Whether the School Board is actively considering an alternative building site in North Yarmouth has not been confirmed.
Public information nights have been removed from the District calendar. However, the October 18 Public Hearing remains.
MSAD51 has resumed a full, in-person class schedule for the 2021-22 school year. Overcrowding is being temporarily managed utilizing 11 modular classrooms. Final enrollment numbers and revised projections are expected sometime in October.
An after hours email was sent to the School Board requesting an update on the project. Updates will be posted when available.