MSAD 51 public hearing for the 2023-24 school budget will be Monday, April 24 at 6 pm. Residents will have opportunity to comment or ask questions about the proposed $47 million budget.
The budget is a 7.4% increase over the previous budget. Costs for instruction, administration and $2.2 million for new portable units contributed to the $3.2 million rise.
North Yarmouth's portion is $8.85 million, a nearly $300,000 increase from FY23 budget. The impact to mil rate is estimated to be a 2.6% increase of $0.47.
A District budget validation vote is scheduled for May 18 in the Performing Arts Center auditorium. Registration begins at 6:30 pm. Residents must be present to vote, and those attending will decide whether to send the budget referendum to the June 13 ballot.
Summary of the budget can be found here. Full details of the budget are posted to the District website.