Views expressed in editorials are solely the opinions of the author.
North Yarmouth’s committee elections and town warrant articles are coming up for a vote next month. It's been a long year and an expensive one for the town. I felt, after writing many articles on the many issues that I would give my two cents about the concerns I have on residents running for a particular office and how the town wishes you to spend your hard-earned tax dollars this fiscal year. Let’s go to two articles that have really caught my attention this budget year. The Fire Department wish list and the TIF expenditure account.
Warrant Article 10. The FD is asking for one full-time paramedic firefighter to work 40 hours a week which comes to 4/10 hour days. While it is good to have extra manpower around, I feel this want is flawed in a couple of ways. First, the per diem program is working well. Very few missed assignments this year. The town has also recommended giving them a raise to $28.00/hour. That is fair and should be enough to keep them coming back. Asking to spend nearly a $100,000.00 on a single person with those hours is a waste of money, IMO. I inquired with over 40 others in the fire service and they all could not understand the reasoning. If it ain’t broken, why fix it? Some will tell you the chief goes on every call and he works a lot of hours. True, but he is getting a great salary and as many of you know, when you are a salaried employee you are expected to go the extra mile. Beyond that, a chief should not be going on every call. There is a difference between want and need. Something is desperately wrong if the chief needs to go on every call. Please raise this question at town meeting. This one person is going to lead to a full-time department and that will cost a bunch.
Warrant Article 17. The town wants to appropriate $379,449.00 to allocate to the TIF fund to spend on village improvements, sidewalks, and the such. This is not a well thought out plan at all and, in fact, completely goes against the rules stipulated in the Department of Economic and Community Development. These funds must be used for commercial and/or industrial development. The town manager will say that the town attorney approved this expenditure but the State will tell you otherwise. I have a direct quote stating that. Beyond this, this town has no strategic plan, and building sidewalks without a plan is a waste of money. It will be easy for the town to explain their way around this, but it is not economically prudent. Save the money for something that can benefit the whole town, not just those in the VC. All just part of their big plan to make North Yarmouth a facsimile of Yarmouth.
MSAD 51 School Budget and Land Purchase. The land that the school wants to purchase is just too expensive for 2.3 acres. $756,000.00. That is crazy. I am voting no on this article.
Select Board. I have written about this a few times now. This town is a place that is very contentious. This has been caused by the three that were elected to the board last year. They have basically shut down conversation and attendance at board meetings. They are more worried about getting to their vehicles in the parking lot and rubber stamping every article than being concerned about the LUO, TIF, Code Enforcement, and any kind of implementation of a strategic plan. The time is right for balance on the board and that is why I would place Paul Whitmarsh and David Reed on the select board. Adding a facsimile would do nothing to advance this town. Placing skilled, knowledgeable people with experience will bring about consensus and that is good for all of us.
Budget Committee. Please place a vote for Rich Parentaeu. I have known him for nearly two years and he is a skilled numbers guy. He has worked for many years as an accounting manager and in financial services. He would be a great compliment to the budget committee.
The town is at a very critical point. Conversation and common sense are being pushed aside for the sake of an agenda. Residents' concerns have not been taken care of. The town needs to consult an attorney every time an issue comes up and that costs more and more every year. Time to make changes on the Board of Select Persons and bring government for the people back into play. Thanks and stay safe.
Bill Young
North Yarmouth