MSAD 51 Policy Committee will be conducting "first read"
Update: June 14, 2021
On June 14, the Policy Committee will be presenting a “first read” of the District’s draft equity policy (Nondiscrimination, Cultural Proficiency, Equity, and Anti-racism or ACA). The document is the work of the 15-member Equity Leadership Steering Committee (ELSC). Critics see the ambiguity of its language as a way to circumvent anti-discrimination laws that have, up to this point, prevented overt teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public school classrooms.
In December, MDOE issued a joint Equity Statement. Language in the release has caused concern for parents who oppose CRT and believe public schools are actively seeking ways to incorporate it into their curriculum. The MDOE has not responded to NYFV request for them to clarify their statement and what guidance they are giving to schools regarding equity work.
Critics of the ACA draft policy point to the one-dimensional nature of the ELSC. Since its inception (2019) until February 2021, the committee has operated as a closed board, not open to public attendance and no published meeting documents. Questions about member qualifications and selection process could not be confirmed. The group is described as a committee of only like-minded individuals. North Yarmouth resident, Ally Ford, expressed her frustration over being denied membership. Since the June 1, 2020 letter, Ford has asked to join ELSC numerous times. In February, she “offered to serve as a community liaison to bridge communications with those who don't share their same ideology.” She has emailed them multiple times to call out their lack of transparency and oversight. Recently elected School Board member, Jason Record, has contacted the ELSC multiple times, as well as Superintendent Jeff Porter, to request to join but has been denied. He stated he “believes in the goal”, but did not agree with how to get there.
The ELSC is not defined as a standing committee for MSAD 51, so Porter considers them to be exempt from posting meeting documents. As an advisory body, they are exempt under Maine law from record requirements. However current Maine statutes, stipulate public proceedings be open to the public and publicized in a reasonable manner to allow attendance. (1 M.R.S. § 403, 1 M.R.S. § 406). ELSC meeting schedule is not posted to the District’s website and access is only granted via Google Meets invitation. Claims of lack of transparency seem to be valid.
NYFV has reached out to the School Board to ask about the criteria for approving membership to the ELSC.
Ann Maksymowicz is the current MSAD 51 Policy Committee Chair. Tyler McGinley is MSAD 51 School Board Chair. Both serve on the ELSC with McGinley being co-chair. Since the draft policy being submitted for review is the work of the ELSC, Maksymowicz and McGinley would have been involved in authoring the ACA policy that they will then be voting to approve as School Board members.
Record expressed his frustration with the way the current board is operating. He has asked his peers to delay the process until new board members are installed, as there seems to be a push to finalize school board work that will need to be managed by the next board. He requested the board “to look closely at things that are slated normally for this ‘lame duck’ period such as this strategic plan extension and the chair vote. [It] feels wrong that these important things are done in this time frame.”
Record’s observations align with a statement from Kate Perrin during the June 7 School Board meeting. In 2015, the School Board unanimously approved a procedure changed to allow the exiting board to choose the next chair. This was seen as a way to maintain continuity of work as it was felt incoming board members would not have foundational knowledge to effectively make certain decisions, specifically to “vote accurately and wisely on the chair position.”
The process of policy approval as well as chair selection is currently proceeding while 1 North Yarmouth MSAD 51 School Board seat is vacant. Three candidates have submitted applications for the empty seat. The North Yarmouth Select Board is scheduled to choose a candidate on June 15.
During a phone conversation, Ford said McGinley confirmed that the policy would be sent from Policy Committee to the full Board for a "first read." Ford emailed the School Board to express concern that the policy will be moving forward without meaningful public input. However, McGinley responded in June 14 email that there was confusion regarding the timeline. She stated the ACA will be not be sent to the full School Board directly following Monday’s Policy Committee meeting for “first read”. McGinley added that during the meeting they will clarify the "process ahead and ways that the public can participate."
The School Board will be voting to add an additional meeting to their calendar for June 21. Policy meeting will be remote.
Updated: Schedule for policy review has been updated to correct previous timeline. Process and potential timeline for public input will be announced at June 14 meeting.