Residents join Planning Board for site walk of minor subdivision in Walnut Hill Heights neighborhood.
Planning Board Chair, Audrey Lones, facilitated a site walk for proposed Delwin Drive minor subdivision. The developer, Wayne Wood, gave an overview of the proposal to split an existing property into 2 lots and upgrade the town owned 150’ right-of-way extension of Delwin Drive, plus approximately 200’ of the existing private driveway, to meet town road standards.
Lones reminded those attending the purpose of a site walk was to gather information about the proposed project and not to debate its merits.
Planning Board members and resident asked questions related to impact of development for existing home owners.
Water mitigation, well water impact and ensuring access for fire and rescue have all been raised as concerns.
The developer will be submitting an updated application.
Residents can send questions to Lones or Ryan Keith (Code Enforcement Officer), or call the town office, (207) 829-3705.
The Planning Board has a workshop meeting scheduled for October 26. Agenda includes discussion of application procedure revisions, open space references and set back review. The Board will also be considering a remote meeting policy.
Next Planning Board business meeting is November 9. Revised information for the Delwin Drive plan will be posted with meeting materials.