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Alternate North Yarmouth Site Proposed for New MSAD51 Primary Building

Rachael Whitmarsh

No updates or changes to original $64M project proposal have been announced.

Updated: August 24, 2021

Members from North Yarmouth Select Board, Cumberland Town Council and MSAD 51 met on August 9 to discuss newly identified North Yarmouth location for new District primary school. The 72 acres were originally part of Phase II for the York Ridge subdivision. Select Board Chair, Brian Sites, confirmed the meeting but had no additional information on whether the School Board will take further action to evaluate the suitability of the location. 

During an August 2 joint town meeting, the MSAD51 School Board presented their proposal for a new primary building on the current Greely campus. Questions about cost, long-term viability and community impact were raised. One notable issue was the change to place new primary school on the current campus, rather than in North Yarmouth. 

A one campus model was previously rejected for several reasons. A separate facility was deemed beneficial to youngest students, who would start off campus and transition to Mabel I. Wilson for grade 3. In addition to space limitations, other considerations showed expansion potential on campus was limited and would significantly impact green space as well as potential traffic and pedestrian issues. In addition to noting there had been no MSAD 51 presence in North Yarmouth since 2013, the team expected enrollments to exceed previous peak. A four-facility model would give the District flexibility to adjust to student enrollment fluctuations. 

However, complications with the proposed site near Wescustogo Hall resulted in its disqualification by Yarmouth Water District. A July 2020 letter from Superintendent Porter & Kevin Desmond (Committee Chair) informed residents the District would add additional modular classrooms to Greely campus to give the Committee time to reevaluate the project and work to identify alternatives. By June 2021, the project had been significantly revised and shifted to a “One Campus” design. This was based on the District option to acquire 2.5 acres adjacent to the current campus for approximately $1.5M. 

Desmond stated on August 2 there had been an extensive search for viable locations without success. School Board Chair, Tyler McGinley, reportedly expressed frustration of “just now” learning about the York Ridge land, as the District has invested significant time and resources to create the current primary building plan. It is unclear when the York Ridge Estates parcel became available for consideration, as it was part of a larger subdivision application plan. 

Select Board Member, David Reed, was excited to learn of the possible site. He strongly supports building the new primary school in North Yarmouth and believes the York Ridge site could support a new school building, with potential for expansion, as well as sports fields. Reed also viewed the rural location as particularly beneficial to younger students.


Information nights for the original project plan are scheduled September 27 at Wescustogo Hall and Community Center and October 4 at Greely Performing Art Center. Public Hearing is scheduled for October 18, with a referendum vote anticipated on November 2.

NYFV contacted Ben Grover and the School Board regarding questions about the proposal and whether any next steps were identified. Additionally, NYFV asked the School Board to confirm whether any modifications were being considered to the original building project to address concerns from North Yarmouth Select Board and Cumberland Town Council.  Tyler McGinley (Chair) confirmed the meeting and that Oak Point Associates is reviewing the information.  The Board will be discussing the Primary Building Project at the next regular School Board Meeting (September 2).

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